Birth & Postpartum Doula

What motivated me to start this work was my conviction that our society isn’t doing enough to support birthing people and new families.


I do see the need to be an activist and push for social change around the ways we care for and support birthing people and families. But when I work as a doula I have no agenda. I think one of the fundamental problems with our current model of care is we are failing to trust and listen to birthing people. 

I had a lot of preconceived notions about what a doula was. I thought they were ideologically geared towards unmedicated births. I was turned off by the use of “natural”, which felt like yet another standard that I as a woman had to live up to. But after giving birth to my daughter in January 2017 I became more interested in birth. I realized how little I was taught about it and how little we talked about it. I also began to really understand the ways our society doesn’t support people through the full spectrum of reproductive choices. I realized the work that doulas do is actually pretty simple. We are just there with you. We are radically present, offering emotional and physical support for birthing people.

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The other half of my life is art. For the past 10 years, I have worked for arts institutions, nonprofits, artist studios, and galleries. I have a BA in Art History and Anthropology from Barnard College and an MFA from Pratt Institute. I remain engaged and committed to my own art practice and I see my doula and birth work as an important outlet for me to reach out of my studio. If you’re interested you can check out my art practice here

I’m originally from Seattle. I’ve lived in New York since 2006 and I call Crown Heights home.

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